
Life without freedom is like a body without spirit.

Kahlil Gibran


Deep harmonious love

If you want a harmonious relationship with your man, your woman,
you will have to learn to be more meditative.
Love alone is not enough.
Love alone is blind; meditation gives it eyes.
Meditation gives it understanding.
And once your love is both love and meditation,
you become fellow travelers.
Then it is no longer an ordinary relationship
between husband and wife.
Then it becomes a friendliness on the path
towards discovering the mysteries of life.


Ord från filosofen

Ur kaoset
talade en röst som sade:
Le och var glad
ty det kunde vara värre.
Och jag log
och det blev värre.

As soon as you trust yourself,
you will know how to live.


A Tribute To Life

Oh life!
Live it fully, abundantly.
Do not look back, do not look at others,
follow that flame which burns inside yourself.
Dare, take risks, and there is nothing you will regret.



Schurakin - Dessert Dream

Konsten att tala

Konsten att tala handlar inte bara om att tala rätt, utan också att undvika att tala fel. Tala fel innefattar, enligt mig, främst skitsnack, förtal och lögner. Begrunda dina egna känslor istället för att begrunda andras och sprida negativ stämning. Vill man skapa fred bör man börja med sig själv.

För reflektion:

We gossip about others
because we are not sufficiently interested
in the process of our own thinking and our own action.

- J. Krishnamurti    

"The more you understand yourself and your emotions,
the more you become a lover of what is"

- Baruch Spinoza

Klok kille!

X-press 2 Feat Rob Harvey - Kill 100 (Carl Craig remix)

"I believe in the Holy Ghost
I don't speak words...
I feel Love"


vinterWatching yourself is the key to your transformation.
Be in a let go, allow things to happen as they come.
Use your intelligence and learn from what you watch in yourself.
That will do.

Mi Zu


Har vintern lämnat oss, tro?
Fåglarna kvittrar och min krokus har slagit ut.

Skön vårkyss...

Nathan Fake - The Sky Was Pink

Meditation and love

Meditation means the art of being alone.
And love means the art of being with people, the art of being together.
But meditation comes first.


Fingers Ink - Can You Feel It

(Let it be House)

Love Yourself

I find that when we really love
and accept and approve of ourselves
exactly as we are,
then everything in life works.

Louise Hay


Dagens nålsession gick bra. Ackupunkturpunkter
Hon botade dessutom mitt akuta magknip
som jag fick av min hetsätning
pga att min lunch började 14.
Hallå - 14?!?!  

Men jag lyckades hålla humöret uppe ändå
(en hungrig Malin är som rysk roulette), 
och jag börjar ana ett allmänt bättre hanterande av motgångar.
DET ger mig lycka.
Vad skönt det är att inte vara
och håglös
jämt längre.

Forever Dream (remix by Tom Newman) - Phil Thornton


SakuraThe means to study oneself is self-observation.
There is no other way and no one can do this work for us.
We must do it ourselves.

P.D. Ouspensky

Buddha & Bonsai Vol 3 - Senzei kentaka's katsura garden


               Happiness is permanent. It is always there.
               What comes and goes is unhappiness.
                              If you identify with what comes and goes,
                              you will be unhappy.
                              If you identify with what is permanent and always there,
                              you are happiness itself.



To embrace all things means first
that one holds no anger or resistance
toward any idea or thing,
living or dead,
formed or formless.
Acceptance is the very essence of the Tao.

Hua Hu Ching


Never mistake knowledge for wisdom.
You will only deceive yourself.
To be a knowledgeable parrot is easy,
it may make you feel great but it will prevent you to know.
To be a wise man is is to accept you don't know,
to be wise is to speak words coming only from your own experience.


Jag och Saori vid en shintohelgedom i Japan

Jag och Saori vid en shintohelgedom i Japan


The more you know yourself,
the more clarity there is.
Self-knowledge has no end,
you don't come to an achievement,
you don't come to a conclusion.
It is an endless river.

J. Krishnamurti

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