10 Ways Angry People Change the World
Utdrag från http://www.davidfoster.tv/10-ways-angry-people-change-the-world/
Things change. But whether they change for the better or not depends on what people do; not just any kind of people, but angry people. Yes, you heard it right. It's angry people who change the world. Comfortable, satisfied, stuck-in-a-rut, trying-to-protect-my-turf people don't change the world. They nurse the status quo, which I've heard is Latin for the mess we're in.
It's absurd to say that the way to change things is to make people angry. Most angry people are not constructive, but destructive. But it's just as foolish to think that things will change when everyone is fat and happy.
So here are ten ways that angry people change the world:
1. There's a wrong that must be righted, now.
2. The wrong is in the circle of my influence.
3. The wrong moves from a bother to a burden.
4. "Someone ought to do something" becomes, "I must."
5. The passion becomes a vision. (The real meaning of passion is to suffer. That's what angry people do when there are wrongs that must be righted. They suffer. And when that suffering becomes intense, a vision arises; a picture of things not as they are, but of how they could be if something happened.)
6. Other like-minded people catch the vision.
7. First steps are taken.
8. Results are small, but promising.
9. More people buy into the mission as missionaries. Results attract support. Results attract people.
10. Eventually, the movement creates APB. APB stands for Abundance, Prosperity, and Blessing.
(Själv ser jag det inte som 10 sätt eller vägar utan snarare en en process, progression eller stadium som ger en möjlig förklaring hur argsinthet kan bidra till förändring)
Hemma är man arg (och med all rätt) - gissa om det kommer leda till förändring...hjälp!
Jag får skylla mig själv, men jag giller't inte.